Friday, December 25, 2009

so this is christmas;

It's kind of weird to think that there's only a little over forty minutes of Christmas left. At least it finally feels like the holiday to me, though.
Even though this is the year I got the least, in a way I almost feel like I got the most. I got a bunch of small things but they're all things I want. I've learned its not about the number of gifts I get or how much they cost, it's about the meaning behind them. I'm happy with all of the things I got. I love all the things Thomas and his grandmother got me. I was running low on my artsy stuff and they just added some nice stuff to my collection, and the bracelet/earrings she made me are absolutely beautiful. I love the jewelery box because I've been needing one for a while, and plus it's absolutely beautiful. I could sit here and say why I love everything that I got, but I think I'll refrain from that for now. Long story short: I LOVE CHRISTMAS.

I've made my list of resolutions, but I think I'm gonna wait til New Years Eve to officialize them in case I want to add to them over the next six days.

My room looks pretty good right now. Over the next week I wanna maybe decorate it a bit and make it all pretty. I'll take pictures. :]

Everything is getting so much better between us. It's like in a way the lack of as much talking lately made us closer, especially now that when we actually do talk we have stuff to discuss. He's been so good to me the past week or so and I love it.

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
- Oscar Wilde