Tuesday, December 15, 2009

fates colliding

Imagine yourself laying flat on your back on the moist grass of the morning. The sun is rising above the horizon. The clouds, so white and puffy, are happily floating throughout the sky, forming this picture perfect image along with the sunrise. Each cloud has its own unique shape, giving off a completely different vibe than the cloud right next to it. My thoughts are puffy white clouds.

Life seems pretty peachy right now. I'm pretty much organized right now, and that makes everything flow so much more smoothly. My room is still clean. My books are mostly organized. Each day that I write, my thoughts are organized. I've got everything done when I need it done. Organization truly is key, at least for me.

As much as I feel like I've been trying to avoid Dr. B for the past two and a half months, I think I'm going to just give that up and give her a Christmas card, it's not like she doesn't deserve one. Even though she may not seem a compatible form of help for me right now doesn't change the fact that she once was. The least I could do is acknowledge her existence on my own time once in a while.

I'm in a pretty good place right now. Note to things: please, please don't change. Not right now.

The space between the tears we cry, is the laugh that keeps us coming back for more.
Dave Matthews Band