Monday, December 14, 2009


I hate being a female sometimes. I wish I didn't have to leave school today, but I honest to God was ready to puke on my desk, and it was only second period. Now that I'm up on medication, though, I'm at least going to get some nice school work done and carry on with my day.

It's amazing how much of a difference a clean room makes in my life. Organization really is key for me, I haven't been so happy in so long and it's weird how the main reason is that I'm feeling organized.

Today I shall accomplish:
- The remainder of my ID's and outline.
- Rehearse my song a few times and start to think of a way to record it.
- Make some Christmas cards.
And probably other stuff.

I've decided I'm for making new years resolutions this year, it'll feel too weird if I don't. I'm going to start thinking about them and make a nice little list or something.

Although I feel like death, I'm quite content.

have a little faith.