Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I've realized that I think I'm bipolar or something. I'm either all "lalala yeah I love life!" or I'm "!#$% I wanna die screw this". No in between. No happy medium. It's weird and kind of sucks. I think I probably need some kind of psychiatric help.

I really really really do not want to take AP Calc next year. If this "easy" stuff is confusing to me, I'm signing my soul to the devil by taking that class. As of now I'm still going to take it but I'm honestly not even sure it's the best of ideas anymore.

It was nice seeing Mr. S today. 99% of people will probably never understand the relationship I have with him and Ms. C, especially her. They're more like family to me than former teachers. Like, they've done so much more for me than a regular teacher has that it feels weird to just say they were teachers.