Friday, July 10, 2009


My mind is rather vacant this evening.
I feel like things are getting kind of boring;
I need some kind of change.
Just something to spice things up a bit.
I don't know what I want or need though.
I'm kind of confusing, even to myself.

I suddenly feel excited for the future.
Every aspect of it seems so interesting and I can't wait.
Yet at the same time, I want to just stop time for a bit.
I don't want to grow up just yet.
I guess I'm one huge walking contradiction, eh?

As much as I swear I hate myself sometimes,
I often wish people were more like me.
I hate when people ask you to do something then make absolutely no attempt to get in touch with you.
People are so freaking frustrating.

I'm determined to master Nothing Else Matters on the guitar.
It's weird how quickly I'm getting the jist of it;
probably because the song has a lot of meaning to me.

I've been happier than ever lately.
I feel like things have gotten increasingly better.
I'm super stoked to see Thomas tomorrow.
However, I am not even relatively excited for the AP work I have to do over the next few days.
It seems as if every time I relieve the stress of an assignment I just have another one due soon after.
I can already tell it's going to take a crapload of effort to pull off this year.

I should probably go to bed.

Currently listening to:
System of a Down - Chop Suey