Sunday, September 6, 2009

wonder what's next

The other day for our assignment in English, Matt asked me a thought provoking question: "What makes you different?" At first, I truly could not formulate an answer, but after a lot of though, I've come up with quite a lot.

One year ago, there would be no clear answer to this question, because the 'different' I strived for was more like trying to blend into everyone else's 'different'. Now, however, the answer is endless. I'm different because I'm me; I've grown into a remarkable young lady with great physical features that mesh together perfectly with my amazing personality--an individual with strength that could alone conquer the world, and that no one could duplicate no matter how much effort was put in. I've got my own talents, my own style, my own interests. I'm different because I regret nothing, I learn from my mistakes and fully embrace the lessons I've learned. I'm different because I have my own mind to think with and my own voice to speak with. I see the world through two observative eyes and analyze all of my surroundings rather than taking them for granted and passing them by. I'm different because rather than attempting to find myself within a sea of other fish that are nearly the same, I've created myself and jumped into my own little pond. I'm different because I'm me: not him, not you, not her--me, and will always be and fully love the person I see in the mirror each day.