Wednesday, September 16, 2009

boats and birds

The sky and the trees penetrated my vision as I glared out that second floor window. It wasn't just any sky, or any trees. The sky was a surprisingly beautiful shade of cadet blue; the trees various heights, shapes, and shades of green; the pure, white clouds miles and miles in the distance. I was lost in though. Lost in thought about what's out there. This world has much to offer, each and every part of this world has something unique to offer. What do these trees and these clouds and this sky have to offer? Where are they? Perhaps one could travel forever, exploring the nature of miles on end, and still never reach them...

Today is different. The air is sweet and cool. My mind is a happy type of relaxed. The environment fully suites my mood, like the sun on the day of a parade or the rain on a day like 9/11. I feel alive. I know it sounds slightly,insane, I know you're thinking "but everyone's alive." But it's not what I mean. I really feel alive. I know what it's like to be alive yet feel dead. Stuff like that makes you treasure feeling full of life so much more.

Confession: I could get used to this.