Monday, September 7, 2009

god called in sick today

My mind is filled to maximum capacity, but everything is in list form. It's kind of weird.

Last night while attempting to sleep, my last thoughts consisted of things I'm looking forward to.
1. Birthday. While part of me wants to stay young and never grow up, the other part of me is feeling quite adventurous and is excited. Sixteen is more than just a year older than fifteen, it brings many opportunities that I've never had before. I can drive, I can work at many more places, I can donate blood. So many things require you to be sixteen. I'm also tired of three hundred and sixty something days of being fifteen.

2. School. Yes, school already started, but I mean I'm excited for school to really start. I'm excited to start learning and proving to myself how great at school I can really be. I'm also really looking forward to clubs starting. I'm not clear what exactly I'm joining yet, but something.

3. Autumn. I cannot explain the joy that pumps through my veins like blood on speed on those Fall mornings. I love everything about Fall.

4. Halloween. After not doing anything on Halloween in eighth grade, I've completely abolished the idea of staying home on Halloween ever again. I want to get a nice costume and enjoy the day with Thomas and whoever else happens to be there. I've also been a weak trick-or-treater the past few years, I've got some making up for it to do.

5. Anniversary. Not only is this just a few weeks short of being my longest relationship, I've never reached a year before at all and I'm really excited to do so. I have so many things in mind that I'm going to do with him for our anniversary. It's going to be really special.

6. The Christmas Season. Need I say more? I don't think I can find many people that celebrate Christmas but don't look forward to the season. The joy, the rush at the mall, the decorations, the music, the excuse to eat like a pig for a whole month. I love it all. Believe it or not I love to give, so the season of giving is great for me.

I'm stopping at six because after Christmas is over, winter sucks and I'd rather not think about the few months of hardly anything good that come before Spring.

I've been thinking a lot about careers lately. I know for sure I want to be a psychologist, but I still have a few careers I'd be alright with falling back on. Well, while I'm on my odd little list episode this afternoon:
1. Elementary school teacher. It was simply always my childhood dream. I'd always wanted to teach somewhere around fifth grade level, but I'd be okay with anything elementary really. It's not too difficult of a job, and you get sick vacations so you save a lot on babysitters.
2. English teacher. Out of all the single-subjects, English is by far the most appealing to me. I love to read and write. I also realized I could be an English teacher when the second Kelly asked me to tell her what I thought of her letter for the courts, the first thing I noticed was grammatical errors and poor sentence structure.
3. Computer programmer/designer. I've always been really good with computers. Whether it be fixing my own or screwing around with HTML for endless websites, it's always been something that has just clicked right into my brain. Pretty good money, also.
There are a few other careers that slightly fascinate me, but not enough to the point where I'd be passionate about doing it.

To complete my lists, I'll share three reasons Thomas is awesome.
1. He's made me feel so appreciated lately. Even the smallest little compliments he gives me or the way he sweet talks me in regular conversation just melts my heart like ice cream on a hot Summer day.
2. He's someone that is actually willing to have intellectual conversations with me.
3. We somehow clique really well. We seem to disagree on a lot of things, yet we have so much in common that I almost feel we're the same person with identical emotions sometimes.

I'm happy. :]

Confession: I actually really like this beaded bracelet I made last night.