Tuesday, October 20, 2009

waiting for someone or something to show you the way

Especially for being sick, I feel abnormally happy and peaceful. I really feel like myself. I have ever since that talk we had Sunday night. I realized so much from that conversation. Sadly that's how it always is. I'm not sure why it always takes me forever to figure stuff out. Better late than never though, right?

Everything just makes so much more sense now. My mindset had been at such a state of confusion lately that everything had gotten thrown off. It's why I've had no thoughts. It's why we fought so much. Ever since school started, everything got all wacky and this is the reason why.
I've been far too focused on these "friends". I don't need most of these people, I never will. As of now I have the few people I need. I need to remember it's about quality, not quantity.

Sometimes things just get so bad to the point where you can't even bring yourself to care anymore. You slowly being to realize it isn't worth it, and force yourself to kind of almost laugh about it; you get to a point where not much further could bother you. I'm starting to consider dorming in college, or definitely no matter what at least moving out the summer after graduation. I need to live.

"Everything happens for a reason. Things fall apart so better things can fall together. But in the end, what's meant to be will always find its way."
Slowly but surely I've realized it. Each and every experience has been put into play for a reason. These things aren't just insignificant little sucky parts of my life; they're each a little piece that will put together the big picture in the end. I think I'm learning to have faith in things working themselves out the way they're supposed to.

I'm feeling more ambitious than ever.