Adios, 2009. You've been pretty good to me, and I'm hoping 2010 is even better.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
farewell, 2009
Adios, 2009. You've been pretty good to me, and I'm hoping 2010 is even better.
Posted by lexa danielle at 2:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
- Have 365 blog posts for the year
- Stick to playing guitar
- Learn 10 songs from start to finish
- Keep my room clean
- Don't hold back
- Be nicer to people
- Eat healthier
- Stop drinking soda
- Look for a job
- Read fifty books
- Try my hardest in school (even though I already have been)
- Write down my homework
- Don't bite my nails
- Develop a more efficient morning/evening routine
- Stop wasting so much money on food
- Be able to do a split
- Get into NHS
- Stop cursing so much
- Become closer to the good people in my life
- Crack a 95 overall unweighted
That's all I can think of for now.
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:49 AM 0 comments
have a little faith;
For the longest time I'd gone back and forth between believing and feeling completely Atheist, but after I subconsciously found myself "talking" to God without even realizing it, I realized that I must truly believe.
I just need everything to be okay right now.
"If you wait to do everything until you’re sure it’s right, you’ll probably never do much of anything."
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 27, 2009
just believe in me, and i will be there;
My thought process is a huge cluster right now. I need to start reading again. A walk in the shoes of somebody else never, ever fails to stir up my thoughts into something that makes sense. I'm going to start on my list of books I'm going to read in 2010. Since I'm aiming for 50, I'm surely going to need a list to keep track and whatnot.
Things will work out. They've got to. Please, God. I need everything to be okay now more than ever.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Best thing that happened:
I got better.
Worst thing that happened:
I don't really consider anything to be the "worst" thing that happened..but I guess my bad trip?
An important person you met:
I didn't really meet anybody important.
Somebody you got closer to:
Thomas, Jimmy, Allie.
Somebody you lost contact with:
A lot of people. :/
A valuable experience you had (other than best/worst thing):
I guess the "road to recovery".
Something you learned about yourself:
I'm a really complicated person.
A lesson learned about life:
Everything happens for a reason.
Your 2009 theme song:
Pink Floyd- Time
Something you will never forget (other than mentioned above):
Awareness Weekend 13.
Something that you learned (can be random):
Everybody has a story.
Something unexpected that happened:
I found some self esteem, and made it over a year in a relationship.
If you had a new years resolution for 2009,
-what was it?
I had a few silly ones.
-did you fulfill it?
Not at all, haha. :X
Something you wish you had done:
Nothing really.
Something you wish you hadn't done:
Thrown away over half of my sophomore year.
An achievement:
One year no cuts.
General remarks:
I learned more this year than I ever thought I would.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 25, 2009
so this is christmas;
Even though this is the year I got the least, in a way I almost feel like I got the most. I got a bunch of small things but they're all things I want. I've learned its not about the number of gifts I get or how much they cost, it's about the meaning behind them. I'm happy with all of the things I got. I love all the things Thomas and his grandmother got me. I was running low on my artsy stuff and they just added some nice stuff to my collection, and the bracelet/earrings she made me are absolutely beautiful. I love the jewelery box because I've been needing one for a while, and plus it's absolutely beautiful. I could sit here and say why I love everything that I got, but I think I'll refrain from that for now. Long story short: I LOVE CHRISTMAS.
I've made my list of resolutions, but I think I'm gonna wait til New Years Eve to officialize them in case I want to add to them over the next six days.
My room looks pretty good right now. Over the next week I wanna maybe decorate it a bit and make it all pretty. I'll take pictures. :]
Everything is getting so much better between us. It's like in a way the lack of as much talking lately made us closer, especially now that when we actually do talk we have stuff to discuss. He's been so good to me the past week or so and I love it.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
let's hope it's a good one;
Even though time has been racing by, it feels like the second quarter has been CRAWLING by. Luckily, I think I'm doing better than I thought, though. As far as I know I'm pretty much kicking ass this year, so yay me.
I will find some interesting thoughts.
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 20, 2009
christmas wrapping;
I forgot how much I enjoy Christmas decorating. I haven't decorated a tree in God knows how long. Even though Kelly's tree is only like four feet, I still had fun decorating it with her.
I had always wanted an older sister, but I knew it was physically impossible for my mom to push out a daughter that was older than I was. This was really the one thing I always wanted. Maybe I take it for granted. Maybe I should try and be closer with her. Maybe it's something to think about?
Christmas is coming a bit too fast. I still need to get my presents for everyone. I need to call Lynn tomorrow. Hopefully she's free either Tuesday or Wednesday, otherwise after school I'll have to take the bus to the mall for Thomas' gift(s).
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:17 PM 0 comments
this dream we had;
My mind is freakishly empty, my heart freakishly speechless.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:57 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 19, 2009
It's weird when something come back and sends a chill down your spine.
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:41 AM 0 comments
and he likes to sing along;
I'm excited to be going to the mall today, even though I only have twenty dollars. I need to get out. I need to see and feel this, let myself embrace the Christmas spirit. I need to see others happy. I need him.
The pretty nail method has been proven to work. When you spent a half hour on your nails, you just do not bite them. I haven't bitten them since Tuesday now. I can already feel the urges to bite them decreasing slowly. :]
I've got to say, I'm proud of myself. I'm getting so much better at self distraction. Maybe I'm not as dependent as I thought, anymore. Maybe I don't actually need somebody constantly in order to be okay. I've become more and more okay recently, all by myself.
For once I'm going to try taking my own advice. I'm going to let things play themselves out. I'm going to have some faith and trust in the fact that everything will be okay. That doesn't mean that in the back of my head I won't be a little nervous or upset, but I have to have faith. I at least have to try it. Maybe things are really happening for a reason. Maybe it's all just a lesson.
"Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. "
– Robert Louis Stevenson
Posted by lexa danielle at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
what i've got;
Posted by lexa danielle at 6:25 PM 0 comments
panic prone
Posted by lexa danielle at 5:39 PM 0 comments
frosty the snowman
I'm just as tired of fighting about this as you are. I just don't understand. Up until about, Summer or so, you NEVER said anything about me going out, ever. I don't know what happened this Summer that made you think I'm wrapped around your finger or something and all of a sudden you can just tell me no. It's not even like I go out all the time. I don't even go out once a month anymore, and ideally I'd like to go out more often than that but don't either to avoid fights or because something comes up and you ask me to drop my plans for you. You have to understand that you are the most important thing in my life, yes, but not the only thing. The way that I haven't hung out with my best friend in almost three months is ridiculous, and it's totally unfair to her. I feel like I'm back in middle school when I have to say, "Oh btw, I know this is totally inconvenient but I have to be home by nine, even though you know damn well my curfew is midnight." I don't wanna sit there when I'm thirty and regret being a hermit in my teenage years.
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
they were sitting in the s trawberry swing
The past week or so I feel as if I've been moving along on the self discovery road. I've been pretty content in my own skin, which is quite a rarity for me. I like this though. Everything is so much better when you feel good about yourself, it really is.
Now the sky could be blue
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time
Now the sky could be blue
Could be grey
Without you I'm just miles away
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
with lots of exaggeration, probably.
My head is going to explode. I don't even know where this came from. My day was going great, or so it seemed. I'm tired of the fights. I'm becoming emotionally exhausted. I'm tired of holding back, and I'm tired of getting attacked when I don't hold back. I'm tired of being wrong. I'm tired of being right. I'm just tired.
I'm beginning to feel like I'm not as smart as everyone thinks. I don't know why I'm so upset over a test that counts for nothing. I was really okay with it, but now I'm like morbidly depressed about it. I will bawl my eyes out if I only get a 1590 on the SAT in January.
I'm still stressed about Christmas. I'm stressed about everything, so out of nowhere.
Posted by lexa danielle at 4:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
fates colliding
Life seems pretty peachy right now. I'm pretty much organized right now, and that makes everything flow so much more smoothly. My room is still clean. My books are mostly organized. Each day that I write, my thoughts are organized. I've got everything done when I need it done. Organization truly is key, at least for me.
As much as I feel like I've been trying to avoid Dr. B for the past two and a half months, I think I'm going to just give that up and give her a Christmas card, it's not like she doesn't deserve one. Even though she may not seem a compatible form of help for me right now doesn't change the fact that she once was. The least I could do is acknowledge her existence on my own time once in a while.
I'm in a pretty good place right now. Note to things: please, please don't change. Not right now.
The space between the tears we cry, is the laugh that keeps us coming back for more.
- Dave Matthews Band
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:05 PM 0 comments
I like mobile blog but I wish my phone didn't chop texts cause it turns into multiple posts. :(
Posted by lexa danielle at 4:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
you and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals;
I finished my Christmas cards :]. I've made some for a few people that I really didn't plan to, but it's the holiday season and I want to be nice. I don't want some people to feel left out or upset or mad or whatever at me.
I've decided I'm going to have a good day tomorrow. I don't care what it takes or how many things I have to just push aside. I couldn't care less if the sky fell down on me and broke every bone in my body, nothing will crush my day tomorrow. It'll be infinite.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:43 PM 0 comments
It's amazing how much of a difference a clean room makes in my life. Organization really is key for me, I haven't been so happy in so long and it's weird how the main reason is that I'm feeling organized.
Today I shall accomplish:
- The remainder of my ID's and outline.
- Rehearse my song a few times and start to think of a way to record it.
- Make some Christmas cards.
And probably other stuff.
I've decided I'm for making new years resolutions this year, it'll feel too weird if I don't. I'm going to start thinking about them and make a nice little list or something.
Although I feel like death, I'm quite content.
have a little faith.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I sure hope so.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:12 PM 0 comments
weather changes moods
Santa Claus is coming today on his firetruck. :] I'm kind of upset that Christmas is so close, the winter pretty much sucks after break is over. I just hope the rest of the winter goes by as quickly as December has been. In a way, though, I'm not sure anymore how I feel about time; it's like the grass is always greener on the other side. I want time to slow down because I'm growing up too fast, but at the same time I don't want it to crawl by. I want to stay young but I want to grow up. I really am a walking contradiction.
I want to at least try and be productive today. I shall:
- Clean my room...somewhat
- Task three essay
- Start my ID's that are due Tuesday
- Start my outline that's due Tuesday
- Practice my song a few times
- Make 5-10 more cards
- Relax :]
The biggest eh factor is the whole cleaning thing, but I'm going to have to if I want room for Christmas stuff in a week and a half, anyway.
When 2010 comes, I think it's going to feel weird writing dates like 1/1/10..the whole /10 thing looks kinda awkward to me. Speaking of the new year, though, I'm still undecided about whether or not I'm going to have resolutions. Part of me wants to have real resolutions, and the other part of me wants my resolution to be to not have a resolution.
I've lately realized that most people don't understand why I do things the way I do. Sometimes even I don't understand myself. I think I'm okay with it though. The thought of being completely figured out is kinda scary, even though I'm sure I probably am figured out and don't even completely realize it.
I've been thinking a lot about the future and what I want to do. The fact that I really don't know anymore scares the bejesus out of me. I want to be an elementary school teacher, but I know right now it's hard to find a job on Long Island as one of those. I want to be a psychologist but I know I don't actually have the patience or nature for that job, it's also far more schooling than I really want to do. If I still want to really be a teacher and pick a subject, I'd probably pick like physics or something; it's so much easier to find a job as one of those but I don't think I want to take a bunch of math courses and have to do labs and all that. I'm so undecided. I hope I have as much time as everyone says I do.
Damn I miss that boy.
"You ever look a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?. It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in. Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died. Did we keep trying to get in? As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it."
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
My earrings have snowmen and I love them. Kelly said she found dark brown dye and I'm so tempted cause my color faded and I've recently been obsessed with dark hair, meh. :| This week seems to be going kind of slow, I think I might like it slightly.
My brain is emptyish. I might come back to this later.
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
senior year?
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 7, 2009
suffocation. no breathing
Posted by lexa danielle at 6:33 PM 0 comments
before we all burn
I already lost my thoughts.
Posted by lexa danielle at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
my dear blog
I'm in a pretty good mood. Cheetah print AIM excites me, as well as functioning computers (we'll see how long that lats thought :/). I think my nap made me in a good mood, I enjoy naps. I could really go for some pasta, hopefully that's what we have for dinner this evening.
I was upset that Yettie's sick and I couldn't hang out with her today, but it's okay, hopefully next weekend or one day after school this week.
Christmas is in nineteen days. DECEMBER SLOW DOWN. But I'm still excited, though. Things I love about Christmas time:
- Christmas cards. I love putting my creativity to good use.
- Most people are nicer.
- The mall is lovely.
- Beautiful Christmas lights everywhere.
- Buying people presents is fun.
- Wrapping presents is fun.
- It's an excuse to eat more.
- I get stuff!
- Time off from school FTW!
- I can listen to Christmas music without feeling insane.
- I'm usually happier.
- Chocolate cigars on Christmas Eve.
- Anticipation.
Yeah, I could go on forever. I love Christmas. So far I've done about eight cards I think, I'm doing pretty well.
Posted by lexa danielle at 4:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 30, 2009
Let's see how long until I abandon it :p I'm not even sure why I made one, actually. I think I like it because that's where I can just express my mind using pictures and quotes rather than as much text..I mean, I can use text, but this is more for a text type of thing.
ANYWAY, I'm having pasta really soon. I smell it and I'm excited for it. I love pasta.
Here's why I'm excited today:
- Cultural exchange tomorrow, ftw!
- I'm facing 25 days of lovely Christmas season
- Christmas break is soon
- I'm buying Christmas cards soon
- My shampoo smells really nice, can't wait to shower
- I get to miss English and Physics tomorrow
lalala. :]
I have twenty-three people to make cards for. I'm excited since I'm kind of taking the easy way out; at least I'm sure they'll look nice.
Let's write a fairytale, just you and I.
Posted by lexa danielle at 5:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 29, 2009
welcome to where time stands still;
There's a resolution for 2010: write every single day--whether it be one book long or one sentence long, I will write each and every day.
I think I like where things are.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Things really do work out in the end.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
one year
Thanksgiving gets me upset. Last year I managed; I was with about twenty people. But just having the three of us will make me sad, with that empty chair that she always used to fill.
Posted by lexa danielle at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
awareness weekend 13
Awareness Weekend 13 was my first awareness weekend, and it was even more amazing than I expected it to be. Throughout the weekend, not only did I get to know my peers more, I got to know myself more at the same time. I gained a whole new perspective on so many things, and I learned so many lessons that I couldn't have possibly learned anywhere else all in 32 hours.
The guest speakers that we had this weekend were amazing. Hearing their stories made me really appreciate everything that I have and taught me to stop taking things for granted. Each guest speaker had such a powerful story to tell and each one really touched me. I also learned from them that one bad move can truly affect me for my entire life.
The parts of this weekend that had the greatest impact on me were student panel, cross the line, and community sharing. When student panel began, I saw four familiar faces get up on the stage. I knew a few bad things that happened to them, but I never knew their whole story. I learned so much about them, and it truly opened my mind and took away pretty much every part of me that has been judgmental. By the end of student panel, with over 24 remaining hours in the weekend, I already felt myself changed by their stories. While cross the line seems like just a fun game to many, it truly touched me. Many of the things that some of my peers crossed for truly surprised me, and many even saddened me. Even though it made me sad, in a way it made me happy, too. With the progression of the weekend, I began feeling less and less alone, which has always been a very familiar feeling to me. Community sharing is the thing that got me the most emotional. Hearing the stories of many people were quite shocking. I find this to be the even I got the most out of, though. Sharing my feelings with people and letting people into my life has always been a huge problem for me, especially face to face. I decided I would probably benefit from getting up there and sharing my story, and I sure did, especially by breaking the ice by going first at night session. I wasn’t sure what exactly I expected to get out of sharing, but I truly got a lot. It made me feel more accepted by my peers, because now I know that if someone likes me they’ll like me for me, all my now-known problems included. Sharing also knocked down many walls for me, and I find communicating to be a much easier task.
At first I was a bit nervous about family group, just because I knew I’d end up with people I didn’t really know. I ended up loving my family group #10 though: Kristen, Tamara, Raquelle, Allie, Nicolette, Drew, Brianna, Miles, and Peggy. I’d liked my family group from the first meeting we had, but at the end I really grew to like them so much more. The activity where we wrote three things about each other and put them into their envelopes really made me feel good. All the comments I got were nice, and I also got pretty many times, and that made me happy considering this weekend I wore no makeup and had my hair in a messy bun the entire time. The final group meeting with the candle activity and sharing how we felt about each other really touched me. Hearing all these nice things my group members thought about me made me feel so great about myself. Telling people how I felt also helped my communication skills, because like sharing things about me, I’ve also always been very bad about expressing how I feel about others. I feel as though I built a connection with these people, and I can definitely see myself being friends with these people.
Overall, I can’t even explain how much I got out of this weekend. I know for sure this will be a weekend I will never forget, and I look forward to the next three awareness weekends in the remaining year and a half of high school. This weekend, I gained a new perspective, opened my mind, learned so much about so many people, gained new friends, got so much off my chest, learned to open up to people, got a self esteem boost, had so much fun, learned to appreciate everything, and most importantly, I knocked down walls and built bridges.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
high on life? yes.
Today is great.
- No Cohen-Willard. No Rizzo. No Robins.
- Nice talk with Mr. McGowan
- Productive
- Trip next Tuesday
- 94.38!
- 10 days.
- McGowan told me he could see me being a psychologist even before I told him I'd considered being one.
As I told McGowan today, it's funny watching people walk in your past footsteps. It's actually kind of sad at the same time too, though. But mostly, it just makes you want to point and laugh. I love being reassured about myself.
I am absolutely, positively, one-hundred-ten percent on top of the world.
Posted by lexa danielle at 4:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
100th post!
I love rainy Fridays. My thoughts are all random and racing around today.
-I'm suddenly really excited for the future. I'm not exactly sure all the aspects I'm excited for, but I'm excited.
-I'm making it my goal to get into NHS. It's going to happen.
-Christmas is in 42 days!
-I'm so excited about my 96 on the pre-calc quarterly. That no joke made my day.
-I love TWLOHA day. I got Allie to do it, and I saw one other person with it.
I think I'm going to color tonight. Something pretty. :]
13 days <3
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
chop suey
- I can't believe it's already second quarter. I'm really excited for this quarter though; I can feel that this is going to be my quarter to prove everyone, including myself, wrong. I can and will do this, just wait and see.
- Awareness Weekend is so soon. As much as I really am tired of arguing about it, I still am so excited. I'm eager to see if it really is as powerful as an event as everyone says it is.
- Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Thought I've never been much of a family person, it is nice to actually have a family now--whether I really like them much all the time or not.
- I can't believe my anniversary is in fourteen days! I never thought I'd ever make a year with anyone without them getting sick of me or vice versa. I'm excited, thought I don't know exactly what I'm going to do yet. Whatever I do decide on, though, will be special of course.
- After Thanksgiving the Christmas season officially starts: enough said.
- I'm really enjoying my nail polish
- I'm so glad I found my hair gel
- Highlighters make note-taking so much more fun
- I really like System Of A Down and Sublime
- Tomorrow is TWLOHA day. I love these, they remind me of my progress and motivate me
LALALA random thoughts.
Posted by lexa danielle at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Posted by lexa danielle at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 8, 2009
lock and key
Things suck, they always do in one way or another. But your outlook is what determines it all. Is the glass half empty, or is the glass half full? I'm trying to look at life with the view that the glass is half full. I think it kind of helps.
This up and down melodramatic adventure called life has been exceptionally exciting for me lately; I can't even explain it. For once I'm actually following the statement "Rome wasn't built in a day." While routine and planning is still crucial, spontaneous activity is also quite a thrill. Because that's what life is all about, not knowing what's next, and knowing that it can really be anything. You can wake up tomorrow and have everything be completely different than today. Many of the unpredictable out-of-plan things are generally not even matters brought on by ourselves, but the great thing is: this life, is all your own. So why not live it to the fullest extent possible? Take risks. Do things you never thought you would. Add that crazy twist to your life, because it's all your own, regardless of how the actions of others interfere. No two stories are identical.
Through all of these realizations, hormonal roller coasters, and total shifts back and forth between views, I feel as if I've been slowly finding myself. Of course I'm not too sure, and that's okay, but I'm content in knowing that somewhere, in the midst of all these bumps in the road, lies my inner being, just waiting to show itself.
Posted by lexa danielle at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
so you run and you run
My head is ready to explode with all this work. I have:
- a critical lens essay due tomorrow
- chapter ID's & questions due tomorrow (DONE)
- to read the rest of chapter 15 by tomorrow
- physics packet due Thursday
- Andrew Jackson web page due Thursday
- Two or three essay rewrites due Thursday/Friday (1 DONE)
- transportation revolution essay due Friday
- 10 scrapbook articles due Friday (7 DONE)
and that's only what I know of at this point.
I've been analyzing life a lot. The way things happen. The way people come; the way people go. The way we try to discover ourselves; the way we think we've got ourselves all figured out. It's just weird -- all of it. Yet somehow it meshes together and forms this perfectly imperfect thing called life.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
irrational thinking
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
you and me against the world
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:32 PM 0 comments
With Halloween just around the corner, I'm still unsure of what I'm going to do. I'm going to pick up my face paint sometime with in the next few days or so. Hopefully I figure something out soon -- I don't wanna just wing it and end up looking horrible.
I've decided that I must see Paranormal Activity this weekend. I'm hearing too many people say how scary it was, and I just want to see it. I'm definitely going to cry; everyone's claiming it's the scariest movie ever. Or maybe I'll be the polar opposite of everyone and I won't find it scary at all. Who knows.
My thoughts are flying at the speed of light. I like this.
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Everything just makes so much more sense now. My mindset had been at such a state of confusion lately that everything had gotten thrown off. It's why I've had no thoughts. It's why we fought so much. Ever since school started, everything got all wacky and this is the reason why.
I've been far too focused on these "friends". I don't need most of these people, I never will. As of now I have the few people I need. I need to remember it's about quality, not quantity.
Sometimes things just get so bad to the point where you can't even bring yourself to care anymore. You slowly being to realize it isn't worth it, and force yourself to kind of almost laugh about it; you get to a point where not much further could bother you. I'm starting to consider dorming in college, or definitely no matter what at least moving out the summer after graduation. I need to live.
"Everything happens for a reason. Things fall apart so better things can fall together. But in the end, what's meant to be will always find its way."
Slowly but surely I've realized it. Each and every experience has been put into play for a reason. These things aren't just insignificant little sucky parts of my life; they're each a little piece that will put together the big picture in the end. I think I'm learning to have faith in things working themselves out the way they're supposed to.
I'm feeling more ambitious than ever.
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
sunshine on my shoulder
Have you ever sat back and realized how much of a hypocritical world we live in? Everything contradicts each other in some way or another. Everyone is so different yet we're all the same.
I feel content and calm and happy and talkative and everything. I like not being contained to one emotion, life's boring that way. I'm in the mood to cuddle up with someone under some nice, warm blankets with some hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, listen to the rain, and watch a movie.
As I paced back and forth outside the library, watching my breath circle the air, I was lost in thought. We often think we've discovered ourselves, but we're generally wrong. We, especially as teenagers, seem to be growing and changing on a daily basis. When will we really discover ourselves? When will we really be the person that we're going to be?
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
guilty by design
I know they say things fall into place on their own, but I'm still scared. I don't even know how it got this way. One wrong move can ruin everything now.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
hello rain
For the first time ever, I'm slightly excited for pep rally tomorrow. Maybe I need to let more things excite me. Life is funner when you're always looking forward to something.
I want to have a productive evening.
- Clean my room
- Rewrite AP US essay
- Physics homework
- Math homework
- Find something red and gray/black to wear tomorrow
- Paint my nails
I'll get it all done.
For some reason, this rainy afternoon has me in a really good mood. It's great, considering I woke up borderline suicidal this morning. I guess I was bound to have a really cranky beginning of my morning at some point, considering it's kind of been a while for that.
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:49 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
call and return
I'm not sure why my thoughts have been so boring -- well. why any interesting thoughts I have can never make it out. Maybe I need to read a good book. Maybe I just need something, something to open my mind and let everything come out.
Posted by lexa danielle at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
inside the fire
I think I'm going to make a list of things that make me happy.
1) Thomas and Stanley, obviously.
2) Rainy Friday nights
3) Holding hands
4) Little kisses
5) Three day weekends
6) Pink Floyd
7) The feeling after reading a really good book
8) Friends
9) Fall
10) Uggs
11) Skinny jeans
12) Converse
13) Blankets in the Winter
14) Mornings
15) Sunny Sundays
16) Funny movies
17) Friday night plans
18) Good grades
19) Music
20) Colored headphones
21) Bright colors
22) Soft hair
23) The Christmas Season
24) Baking
25) Shopping
I'm going to stop here for now.
Posted by lexa danielle at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
thursday evening
- English homework
- AP US Homework
- Revise at least one of my AP US essays
- Read over AP US notes and tomorrow's stuff
- Study for my physics test
- Study for pre-calc
- Clean my room
- Straighten my hair (after shower, of course)
- Situps and squats
- Make this face --> :) <-- alot.
Procrastination will not be my friend tonight.
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:46 PM 0 comments
happy i am
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
wouldn't it be nice
I don't know what exactly I'm excited for; but I'm excited.
I can just feel something good coming along.
I. Need. Interesting. Thoughts.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
what's simple is true
My to-do list for tomorrow:
- Read chapter nine
- Do the questions on chapter nine
- Study math
- Study English
- Clean my room
- Learn 3 more chords
- Start my sit-ups again for the thousandth time
- Pluck my eyebrows
And nothing else matters.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
thirteen reasons why
I love feeling of you get when you just finished a really great book, one that moved you. But this is a different kind of moving. This is something I felt relation to -- but shouldn't have. Why can I relate to a book that tells all the last words of a girl that killed herself? I'm not sure why I understand her in a way. Or why I've felt some of what she's felt -- why I've felt even the slightest relation to her. Or why I can honestly say I've sat there and thought about how I'd do it, or when, or how, or thought about my funeral, or thought about who'd cry. It's kind of sad in a way. Before you think I'm crazy, though, it's been quite some time since any of that has really crossed my mind like that.
Nonetheless, amazing book. It's almost comforting, in a way, to read the thoughts of someone that fictionally killed themselves. It's comforting to realize you truly are not alone. It's actually really upsetting to think about; it's upsetting to realize that society has become so corrupt that the only way you can be zapped back into the reality of those around you and their minds is by reading a deep book.
I almost wanted to jump through the pages of the book. I wanted to rip apart each letter of every word and run after her. To let her know she isn't alone; to let her know someone does care, and does understand. To save her, or at least try. This book made me dead-set. I know what I'm doing with my life. Any doubts of career I once had have been settled. Reading this-- reading her words and imagining her broken voice speaking them-- made me realize I can't not be that outlet, that savior. The same savior I always wanted when I thought the same thoughts, when I had to save myself.
Posted by lexa danielle at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
something in the way
If I had a nice, grassy yard, I'd go sit right in the midst of nature's cry. It's not even necessarily being sad, I just want to feel the rain.
My emotions may as well be a bag of Chex Mix today, so scattered about and random. I'm happy; I love rainy weekends and will most likely get to hang out with my best friend for the first time in a while. I'm sad, I'm making Thomas sad. I'm confused; I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, but it sure seems that way. I wonder if this is normal.
If I could drive, I'd just drive and drive for hours today in this lovely rain.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
every rose has its thorn
Things are going well, quite well. Other than feeling slightly overwhelmed with work, there's nothing much to even complain about anymore..well, semi-worth complaining about, at any rate.
Have you ever wondered what it's like to be the last one standing? I'm not sure if it would be scary or exciting--probably an unfriendly mixture of both.
Confession: I'm growing really excited. Two weeks to go.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
throw it all away
Tomorrow makes me happy.
Posted by lexa danielle at 8:51 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
falling down
If today isn't the definition of a roller coaster, I don't know what is. I'm just waiting to be turned upside down and dangled there for a while, feeling all the blood flow right to my brain.
It's probably impossible, having emotions that each one is an oxymoron of another, just contradicting each other over and over. I'm not sure if it's even possible to be happy and sad at the same time, but I am. I feel stressed and tense, yet calm and at peace. I confuse myself, too, don't worry.
Show me what it's like to be the last one standing
Teach me wrong from right, and I'll show you what I can be
And say it for me; Say it to me
And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth saving me
Would you follow me?
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
so nice
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:53 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
the perks of being a wallflower
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:25 PM 0 comments
boats and birds
Today is different. The air is sweet and cool. My mind is a happy type of relaxed. The environment fully suites my mood, like the sun on the day of a parade or the rain on a day like 9/11. I feel alive. I know it sounds slightly,insane, I know you're thinking "but everyone's alive." But it's not what I mean. I really feel alive. I know what it's like to be alive yet feel dead. Stuff like that makes you treasure feeling full of life so much more.
Confession: I could get used to this.
Posted by lexa danielle at 3:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
how you remind me
Confession: I never thought I'd be at this point today.
Posted by lexa danielle at 7:15 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
beautiful day
It's nice to be able to say that.
Posted by lexa danielle at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
two become one
I can't explain how whole I felt last night. Laying there, arm in arm, laughing, watching that movie. As our arms were linked, I felt our hearts linked as well. It was perfect, even if I was starting to fall asleep. Or how perfect his cake was, it honestly tasted better than any homemade chocolate cake I've ever had. It was like I could taste the love in every bite.
We may argue, we may fight, but we are undoubtedly crazy in love.
Confession: I always think either too little or too much.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
i can feel you all around me
I can't explain how perfect my mood is today. Excited is an understatement when it comes to seeing Thomas today. I swear I fell more in love with him after reading his letter, it was perfect. Especially the ending: "You're my world, my everything. In a way, you are life itself to me. And as I end this letter, let me just tell you that I love you. Now, look up, and answer this question out loud to me, yes or no will do: Will you, Lexa Carnelli, in a few years from now, take my hand in marriage? That question is serious, so take it seriously. ave a great birthday babe, and enjoy life, I know you make me do." If we were not in public when I read that, I seriously would have bawled my eyes out. It was so perfect, the way he worded it, everything. I never knew he was so serious about all of this, and this letter was definitely reassuring. As long as he was serious about that question, then my life is complete, cause I want nothing more. I really look forward to part two.
Yesterday Ms. Cohen-Willard said something very thought provoking for me. She said there is a novel in me, waiting to be written, and she's right. I don't know how or when, but this novel will be written. I can feel the words and images just building up inside, all waiting to be released as a beautifully disastrous story.
I feel peaceful.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
happy birthday?
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
enjoy this drive
I at least got this thing to start up, I'm hoping it stops having this mind baffling malfunction and just works for me.
I'm so excited for tomorrow. Sixteen, a new chapter of my life.
I have no time at the moment.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
god called in sick today
Last night while attempting to sleep, my last thoughts consisted of things I'm looking forward to.
1. Birthday. While part of me wants to stay young and never grow up, the other part of me is feeling quite adventurous and is excited. Sixteen is more than just a year older than fifteen, it brings many opportunities that I've never had before. I can drive, I can work at many more places, I can donate blood. So many things require you to be sixteen. I'm also tired of three hundred and sixty something days of being fifteen.
2. School. Yes, school already started, but I mean I'm excited for school to really start. I'm excited to start learning and proving to myself how great at school I can really be. I'm also really looking forward to clubs starting. I'm not clear what exactly I'm joining yet, but something.
3. Autumn. I cannot explain the joy that pumps through my veins like blood on speed on those Fall mornings. I love everything about Fall.
4. Halloween. After not doing anything on Halloween in eighth grade, I've completely abolished the idea of staying home on Halloween ever again. I want to get a nice costume and enjoy the day with Thomas and whoever else happens to be there. I've also been a weak trick-or-treater the past few years, I've got some making up for it to do.
5. Anniversary. Not only is this just a few weeks short of being my longest relationship, I've never reached a year before at all and I'm really excited to do so. I have so many things in mind that I'm going to do with him for our anniversary. It's going to be really special.
6. The Christmas Season. Need I say more? I don't think I can find many people that celebrate Christmas but don't look forward to the season. The joy, the rush at the mall, the decorations, the music, the excuse to eat like a pig for a whole month. I love it all. Believe it or not I love to give, so the season of giving is great for me.
I'm stopping at six because after Christmas is over, winter sucks and I'd rather not think about the few months of hardly anything good that come before Spring.
I've been thinking a lot about careers lately. I know for sure I want to be a psychologist, but I still have a few careers I'd be alright with falling back on. Well, while I'm on my odd little list episode this afternoon:
1. Elementary school teacher. It was simply always my childhood dream. I'd always wanted to teach somewhere around fifth grade level, but I'd be okay with anything elementary really. It's not too difficult of a job, and you get sick vacations so you save a lot on babysitters.
2. English teacher. Out of all the single-subjects, English is by far the most appealing to me. I love to read and write. I also realized I could be an English teacher when the second Kelly asked me to tell her what I thought of her letter for the courts, the first thing I noticed was grammatical errors and poor sentence structure.
3. Computer programmer/designer. I've always been really good with computers. Whether it be fixing my own or screwing around with HTML for endless websites, it's always been something that has just clicked right into my brain. Pretty good money, also.
There are a few other careers that slightly fascinate me, but not enough to the point where I'd be passionate about doing it.
To complete my lists, I'll share three reasons Thomas is awesome.
1. He's made me feel so appreciated lately. Even the smallest little compliments he gives me or the way he sweet talks me in regular conversation just melts my heart like ice cream on a hot Summer day.
2. He's someone that is actually willing to have intellectual conversations with me.
3. We somehow clique really well. We seem to disagree on a lot of things, yet we have so much in common that I almost feel we're the same person with identical emotions sometimes.
I'm happy. :]
Confession: I actually really like this beaded bracelet I made last night.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:40 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 6, 2009
wonder what's next
One year ago, there would be no clear answer to this question, because the 'different' I strived for was more like trying to blend into everyone else's 'different'. Now, however, the answer is endless. I'm different because I'm me; I've grown into a remarkable young lady with great physical features that mesh together perfectly with my amazing personality--an individual with strength that could alone conquer the world, and that no one could duplicate no matter how much effort was put in. I've got my own talents, my own style, my own interests. I'm different because I regret nothing, I learn from my mistakes and fully embrace the lessons I've learned. I'm different because I have my own mind to think with and my own voice to speak with. I see the world through two observative eyes and analyze all of my surroundings rather than taking them for granted and passing them by. I'm different because rather than attempting to find myself within a sea of other fish that are nearly the same, I've created myself and jumped into my own little pond. I'm different because I'm me: not him, not you, not her--me, and will always be and fully love the person I see in the mirror each day.
Posted by lexa danielle at 12:41 PM 0 comments
My brain feels overcrowded with thoughts that are potentially good but they're refusing to come out. It's frustrating.
Confession: I feel myself slowly giving up on faith again.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
no lies, just love
I love him, I really do.
Confession: I'll stand by your side no matter what.
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:18 PM 0 comments
amazing because it is
Ask yourself this: what is life without a fight? Will you ever really know yourself if you don't battle yourself sometimes? If you never push your supposed boundaries, how will you ever really know where they are? I've been all about pushing boundaries and challenging my mind lately, and it's had nothing but a magnificent impact on me.
Things truly do have a mysteriously mind boggling way of working out in the end.
Confession: This is by far the hardest I have ever pushed myself.
Posted by lexa danielle at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
tilting the hourglass
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
if i could teach the world
What lives inside of my head is currently an open book, just waiting for someone to pick it up and read it. Not just to skim the pages, not to read selective parts--but to actually sit there and read each word, embracing each sentence, each paragraph as if it were written just for them.
My nerd mode is fully kicked in and ready to fire off like a rocketship soaring into outer space. I hope I have some kind of homework tomorrow, not much, perhaps just a small assignment to get back into the hang of school and to grasp the jist of the class.
Have you ever listened to a song on repeat for hours on end? It's like with each time the song is played, it sounds different. It sounds like the singer is singing to you more and more each time, just hoping to impact your mind and lift your soul.
I'm going to color in my Christmas coloring book while I wait for dinner. :]
Posted by lexa danielle at 4:49 PM 0 comments
don't fear the reaper
After hearing some of the stuff from Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, it really got me thinking. How many false facts are we fed? How many false opinions are formed? Will we ever really know anything for sure? Life is so mysterious.
Sometimes I want to do the impossible. I want to do what nobody expects me to do; I want to do what everyone tells me I can't or I won't do. Just to prove everyone wrong, just to prove to everyone that I can do anything. I am capable of anything. The world is in the palm of my hands.
The air so cool and calm, with the scent of Autumn approaching. I'm so excited for the fall. The leaves, the weather, the vibe. Everything.
Confession: I hate waking up early, but I love mornings.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 31, 2009
and as the summer's ending
Love is the most mysterious yet beautiful thing to exist in this world. It is the most precious gift anyone could ever give someone, but there is still no true definition of it. I've spent time on Google trying to find an accurate definition, but none of them even come close to explaining the love I feel-- it doesn't hit the tip of the iceberg whatsoever.
I feel at peace. I'm not sure if it's with myself, with what's around me, with life, who knows. I just know I feel peaceful and alive.
Confession: Perhaps daily confessions can help me find myself more.
Posted by lexa danielle at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
so give me black lights
Each goodbye is getting harder and harder. I'm not sure why. I can't explain how much in the back of my mind I fear losing him. I know he's not going anywhere, but it still scares me. He's my everything, literally. Without him I'm not sure I'd be all.
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:36 PM 0 comments
and i know that youre a sucker for anything acoustic
School is around the corner and I don't want to read my packet with those short stories. I'll probably do it later or tomorrow.
My thoughts are already gone, I fail.
Posted by lexa danielle at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
an old book misread
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
i cant stay too long, am i wrong?
I'm upset.
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:42 PM 0 comments
creative title
Posted by lexa danielle at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
sell your soul
My thought process frustrates me. I had so many good thoughts before, but now they're gone. I'm going to do some laundry tomorrow.
Posted by lexa danielle at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
i talk too much to myself
I can't believe I was ever scared of babies. After getting so close with Brianna, I've realized just how beautiful and innocent they are. I love that baby so much, really. She has the most striking blue eyes and the cutest smile ever. She's growing up too fast, though. I don't want her to get big.
I've been abnormally interested in religion lately. I just want to study as many views and beliefs as I can. I really want to see other peoples' opinions, and also see where I may stand. Though I'm not a big supporter on organized religion, it's still interesting, and I want to figure out my beliefs toward the whole God thing.
I don't have any interesting thoughts, really.
Posted by lexa danielle at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
wake up at dawn and ask her why
I admit, I have a love for handmade bracelets. I now have a new anklet for each ankle, and two new bracelets on my left wrist. My new favorite one took forever though. That stitch takes entirely too long, so it will probably be a one time thing.
People take too much for granted. You really don't know what you've got til it's gone. I think one of the crappiest feelings are realizing you took something for granted. I came across pictures from last summer, in my favorite purple room with the perfectly collaged wall. I'd kill to have that back, for real.
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath a landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
I wish I were tired. I don't want to be up at 12:45 in the morning anymore. Bleh.
I really want cereal. Cookie Crisp, Cocoa Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, anything that isn't that nasty wheat stuff we have. Boo to no good cereal.
I feel like I have something I wanted to do, but I for the life of me can not remember what. My memory is failing me bigtime.
Posted by lexa danielle at 12:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
not fair.
Posted by lexa danielle at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
the wind picked up, the fire spread
My nails are a really nice purple. It's called wild plum, I found it in the bathroom last night. Let's see how long it lasts before I bite them and it chips. :/
I truly am a walking contradiction. I'm trying to figure it out, but at the same time I'm trying not to.
I think these are my best moods, the happy yet sad ones. I'm usually most bubbly and compassionate when there's a tiny bit of sadness there. It's generally when it's stemming from reminiscence though. Maybe I end up with a touch of who I used to be. Who knows.
I really want to go chalking. I just want to decorate a whole entire parking lot with random drawings. I wonder if I could even stir up enough creativity to do so. I'm going to find out someday. Whether it's solo or with the help of someone else, I'm going to treat a nice parking lot to my creative mind.
The sunlight beaming off my hair looks cool right now. My hair looks about twelve different shades of brown and auburn and it's slightly pretty. It actually looks kind of like a penny.
Confession: Sometimes the rainbow is better than the pot of gold.
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:39 AM 0 comments
i'm losing it;
I never realized how much I love Brianna. I loved feeding her for the first time tonight. She's so beautiful.
I'm scared. I don't know why.
Confession: I'm really looking forward to my twisted frosty from Wendy's.
Posted by lexa danielle at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
amor vincit omnia
I know this is the end of all our problems. I can feel it in my heart that once again our love conquered something. There is no doubt in my mind that this is meant to be. Fate brought us together for a reason. No matter how much things suck for us, we always seem to have each other, and an unbreakable love for one another. We're perfect, forget what anyone else says.
I love him. I love him. I love him. I really do.
Confession: I'm so glad tonight happened.
Currently listening to:
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:50 PM 0 comments
your heart was dying fast, and you didnt know what to do
I'm in one of those reminiscent moods again; one of those moods where listening to a song can make me feel the way I felt the first time I heard it. It's weird yet cool. I feel like I'm living in a mixture of memories and who I am now. It's amazing what our minds are capable of.
I'm a war of head versus heart
It's always this way
My head is weak
My heart always speaks
Before I know what it will say
I know its nearly impossible to go by what's said, but I'm not sure if I like the idea of getting rid of my desktop for a laptop. I'm kind of used to this, but maybe I'll like a laptop better. Who knows, it's probably not going to happen since nothing ever does anyway.
I've always wondered what makes two people compatible. What makes it possible for two people to fall head over heels in love with someone, flaws and all? What I wonder more is how two people that were once compatible no longer are. How can you go from spending every second with or talking to someone to suddenly not having them be a part of your life at all? The craziest part is sometimes you don't even notice it happening.
Let's take a risk.
Let's fly away.
Let's feel the rain.
Let's love each other unconditionally.
Confession: I'm high on life.
Posted by lexa danielle at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
it doesn't even matter, nothing else matters
Tonight was great. I really have no specific reasons for it being great, it just was. I had the yummest McChicken, hot fudge sundae, and cheesy potatoes. I also turned in probably the lousiest excuse for an essay I've ever come up with. I don't even care though. I tried, and I'm on top of the world regardless. This is great. Happiness is great.
As deep as the abyss where the waters run
As deep as the land of the rising sun
You know I'm down
And even when them odds are against us
It doesn't even matter
Nothing else matters
I love the setting right now. The darkness, the exact right song, and the typing on the keyboard. For some strange reason, I've always loved the sound of typing on a keyboard. I guess I actually do have a lot of weird, random things about me. I want someone to learn and love every single one of them someday.
You know what I hate? Flies, and how persistant they are. I hate the way they land on the computer screen and keep coming back no matter how many times you nearly kill them. They never learn. It's weird how some people are the same exact way. Keep on doing something and doing something, regardless of how bad it is or whatever the consequence may be.
I always get really nervous when Killian barks like crazy at night. I always feel like someone is here to kill us. I clearly worry myself entirely too much.
I feel like tonight I could just keep going on and on with a million random, pointless thoughts.
I've been slightly questioning fate lately. I still believe in it one hundred percent, I just wonder how it works. I wonder how certain people are selected to go through certain things; how these reasons for everything happening even come to be. I have too many questions.
I want to do something crazy.
I want to go on a roadtrip.
I want to go somewhere new.
Confession: I've never been more excited.
Currently listening to:
Trik Turner - Friends And Family
Posted by lexa danielle at 11:15 PM 0 comments
it seems unreal
My mind is calm and content this evening, though I have many questions in my head unanswered. Maybe some things are supposed to be left that way. Maybe it's up to us to translate and interpret things into whatever way that floats our boat. Maybe.
I often get a bit down after cleaning my room once I realize I have nobody to see it. It looks nice in here and it's nice and cold. My bed is made and my sheets are so comfy. I wish I had someone to share this with once in a blue moon, preferrably him. I wish things were different.
It's weird how things fall into place; how someone that was once a part of you is now nothing but a distant memory. It's crazy how memories that were once so clear now seem so unreal, to the point where you begin to question if they were just a dream. Everything seems that way for me now. Anything that happened before January seems that way to me, nothing but a distant, barely even real memory.
Confession: Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
Currently listening to:
Pantera - Cemetery Gates
Posted by lexa danielle at 12:17 AM 0 comments