Sunday, December 6, 2009

my dear blog

You were the final straw that made me spend hours recovering my computer, haha. <3

I'm in a pretty good mood. Cheetah print AIM excites me, as well as functioning computers (we'll see how long that lats thought :/). I think my nap made me in a good mood, I enjoy naps. I could really go for some pasta, hopefully that's what we have for dinner this evening.

I was upset that Yettie's sick and I couldn't hang out with her today, but it's okay, hopefully next weekend or one day after school this week.

Christmas is in nineteen days. DECEMBER SLOW DOWN. But I'm still excited, though. Things I love about Christmas time:
- Christmas cards. I love putting my creativity to good use.
- Most people are nicer.
- The mall is lovely.
- Beautiful Christmas lights everywhere.
- Buying people presents is fun.
- Wrapping presents is fun.
- It's an excuse to eat more.
- I get stuff!
- Time off from school FTW!
- I can listen to Christmas music without feeling insane.
- I'm usually happier.
- Chocolate cigars on Christmas Eve.
- Anticipation.
Yeah, I could go on forever. I love Christmas. So far I've done about eight cards I think, I'm doing pretty well.
