Saturday, December 19, 2009

and he likes to sing along;

I forgot how much of a hassle writing these on internet explorer is. I'm far too accustomed to firefox now. I don't like the way this doesn't spell check me as I type, either.

I'm excited to be going to the mall today, even though I only have twenty dollars. I need to get out. I need to see and feel this, let myself embrace the Christmas spirit. I need to see others happy. I need him.

The pretty nail method has been proven to work. When you spent a half hour on your nails, you just do not bite them. I haven't bitten them since Tuesday now. I can already feel the urges to bite them decreasing slowly. :]

I've got to say, I'm proud of myself. I'm getting so much better at self distraction. Maybe I'm not as dependent as I thought, anymore. Maybe I don't actually need somebody constantly in order to be okay. I've become more and more okay recently, all by myself.

For once I'm going to try taking my own advice. I'm going to let things play themselves out. I'm going to have some faith and trust in the fact that everything will be okay. That doesn't mean that in the back of my head I won't be a little nervous or upset, but I have to have faith. I at least have to try it. Maybe things are really happening for a reason. Maybe it's all just a lesson.
I hate when something you see somehow reminds you of a dream you had the night before that you forgot about. Looking down at my ladybug made me remember that you visited me last night again. The theme of the dream is always me promising to visit you more this time. This is obviously telling me something. I'm sorry.

"Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. "
– Robert Louis Stevenson