Tuesday, September 1, 2009

if i could teach the world

So many things have changed throughout the years. People, family, myself. One thing, though, has yet to change. That is the excitement that fills my soul the evening before the first day of school. With the rate that everything else changes, it is rather refreshing to have those few things that just always remain the same.

What lives inside of my head is currently an open book, just waiting for someone to pick it up and read it. Not just to skim the pages, not to read selective parts--but to actually sit there and read each word, embracing each sentence, each paragraph as if it were written just for them.

My nerd mode is fully kicked in and ready to fire off like a rocketship soaring into outer space. I hope I have some kind of homework tomorrow, not much, perhaps just a small assignment to get back into the hang of school and to grasp the jist of the class.

Have you ever listened to a song on repeat for hours on end? It's like with each time the song is played, it sounds different. It sounds like the singer is singing to you more and more each time, just hoping to impact your mind and lift your soul.

I'm going to color in my Christmas coloring book while I wait for dinner. :]